Friday, 2 July 2010

latest developments

Haven't posted for a while, but a lot has been happening.

First, Tom, Jim Ready and I have been re-skinning the Genarrator interface and adding functionality to the tool kit. This is all coming along well, and the new version will be online very soon.

Second, I am helping the Poole Literary Festival to run a competion for a New Media Writing Prize. We hope to draw in innovative and interactive writing (as we know, 'writing' includes images, sound and anything else you can put on a PC screen). The prizes will be given at a special awards ceremony at Poole Lighthouse on October 31st, so do please follow the link and enter if you have anything new to say! It can be fiction or non-fiction.

Third, I will be running workshops at the Poole Literary Festival using Genarrator, where anyone can come along and make an interactive story. I'm going to provide resources and give instruction on using Genarrator. It will be fun, and I hope we get a good turnout of people wanting to try their hand at telling stories in new media.

Below is the new-look Genarrator interface.

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